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Your Georgia Connection to the United Kingdom Since 1982  

Women's Series: 5th Anniversary Celebration

  • 30 Apr 2018
  • 6:00 PM
  • F & B Atlanta

The Women's Series are joint events of the BelgianFrenchNetherlands and German American Chambers of Commerce as well as the British American Business Counciland the Japan-America Society of Georgia.

Started in January 2014, the Women's Series holds quarterly business events for professional women of the Atlanta international community.
The goal of the Women's Series is to bring educational and stimulating content to our attendees, while also facilitating professional opportunities and networking among peers.
We are proud to offer topics to help connect and develop the women of our communities.

The Women's Series are initiated and supported by FACC Board member Rose Catherin.

Together, we are pleased to invite you to our 
Women’s Series 5thanniversary
Monday, April 30th at 6PM

We came together in 2014 with a vision to bring women (and sometimes men) of the Atlanta international community together for educational events and great networking.
Over the years, our attendees have shared the positive impacts of the Women’s Series on their professional and personal journeys, the new contacts they developed and the learnings they received from our diverse speakers. At every quarterly event, the filled rooms show us that we are definitely meeting a need in our communities.
This year we are celebrating the 5th anniversary of the Women’s Series and we invite you to join us at F&B to celebrate with us!
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to get to know some of our past speakers, loyal attendees and fantastic partners.


3630 Peachtree Rd NE, #160 
Atlanta, GA 30326


$15 for members/students
$25 for non-members

BABC-Georgia is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 210 N Interstate Pkwy, Atlanta GA 30339. Contact Jennifer Langley, Executive Director,, 404-314-3941

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